Thursday, September 17, 2009

And still I call you my friend

I want to speak to you a lot my dear friend
But you never give an ear to my words
And still I call you my friend!
You speak your words and that’s it
And never answers my queries
And still I call you my friend!
Wonder what binds you to me and me to you!
Never have me met so often
Nor exchanged smiles so often
And still I call you my friend!
You call me when you are alone
Just to fill in your solitudes
And still I call you my friend!
You say I’m so dear to you, a precious possession
But never tried to meet me ever!
And still I call you my friend!
You are aloof to me in nearness
But so fond in remoteness
And still I call you my friend!
I feel as an object of frolicking
trivial, irrelevant, a non entity.
And still I call you my friend!


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