Thursday, December 22, 2011


Not a verse more
should you pen
Not a verse more
should you read
I am fed up!
threatened my heart
vacillating between
ecstasies and sadness utmost
not to mention your umpteen loves, it said.
what do you think am I?
I had never thought of that
how i had strained my heart
reading writing and loving.
Yes it throbbed joyously
when i read poetry
it beat frantic
when I wrote poetry
wandering aimlessly
unnamed unnumerable emotions.
It panted and raved
when i were in love.
I had thought ,
How it hurts, yes i thought about me
I never thought of my heart.
Yes I need to give it a thought.
I need to put it in safe hands.
So here I put my heart for sale.
What should I add in advertisement?
it is a pretty good heart
does its work of pumping blood
valves doing good
no blocks.
red it is yes.
but please dont strain it with
poetry and love.
It has had its share to its fill.
Any takers??

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