Monday, August 17, 2009


Beloved stranger,
So I call you.
No longer friend or foe.
I hear you when you me from afar
And speak my words from you heart!
That’s vibrations, which binds
hearts, fond, fonder, fondest.
I believed and revelled in the ‘prophesy’.
You spoke of rains, which drenched your youth
and of the love you lost for naught.
Together we shed tears for things bygone.
Together we smiled on our fruitful gains.
Tears were salty and smiles were sweet.
Times passed by and times to come.
Give you word to keep this bond
unto grave, this silent lore.
Promises made are made to break
So you broke, and broke my heart.
Left me lone without a word, a
breezy note, out in cold, beloved foe!
Come again if you may, for
my heart still sings the songs you taught.
My eyes still bear the dreams you sowed.
My lips still crave for the thousand kisses
My fingers seek their counterparts
Beloved stranger if ever come you may
Seek me beneath the bed of flowers
White for lilies and red for roses.
Here I keep my soul for you
Just in case, for want of a kiss!Or if you still fly in far off lands,
So be it, so be it,
its all right with me!

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